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We know that parents and other members of our school community have important knowledge and skills that can benefit our children. We welcome volunteers at our school, whether they are able to offer support occasionally or on a more regular basis.

Regular volunteering in school may take the form of hearing children read, helping children walk to swimming or helping in the library. This usually involves a session each week.

Occasional volunteering may be assisting on a school trip, walking with children to a sports event or helping with an in school event (e.g., supporting a day of topic linked activities such as a Vikings day).

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please read the documents on this page which will help you to understand what you need to do before you start volunteering in school. Please contact the School Office team to let us know that you would like to volunteer, they will be able to help make arrangements. 

Governing Body 

We currently have a vacancy on our Governing Body, if you are interested in joining the board, please look at the Our Governing Body page.