School Ethos
At Tannery Drift First School we:
- Promote equality of treatment and equal access to educational opportunity within the school community.
- Create a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere within the school which enables all children to access the curriculum.
- Foster positive caring attitudes towards everyone in the community by promoting respect, courtesy, tolerance, teamwork, trust and honesty.
- Acknowledge and value achievements at all levels in an environment that encourages pride in effort, as well as achievement.
- Encourage increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
- Apply a consistent approach to behaviour throughout the school, in partnership with parents and carers.
- Make boundaries of acceptable behaviour clear and ensure that appropriate behaviour is encouraged and recognised.
- Promote a sense of direction and feeling of common purpose in an environment which is safe and secure for all in our school community.
There are three basic principles upon which our behaviour policy is based:
- When a child demonstrates unacceptable behaviour, it is the behaviour which is unacceptable, not the child.
- It is our duty to promote and encourage positive behaviour.
- We promote mutual respect between all members of the school community.
These link into our school Golden Rules:
- We are gentle and kind to everyone in our school.
- We always try our best.
- We always listen carefully and politely to everyone.
- We always look after our property, other children’s property and property belonging to adults and the school.
- We try hard to be honest at all times.
We are sure you will support our school in working with us to achieve these aims and principles.