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About Us

Our governing body

The main responsibility of a school’s governing body is to promote high standards and make sure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.

At Tannery Drift First School we have a dedicated and energetic board of governors, made up of a combination of parents, staff and members of the local community, who work closely with the school to help Mrs Greetham and her staff achieve their goals and who share in the school’s vision of developing an ethos of enjoyment, achievement and respect.

Governors set the strategic direction of the school by working together to, amongst other responsibilities, agree policies, set and review targets, review budgets and staffing, ensure parents and pupils are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate, and make information available to the community.

We have committees focused on Teaching and Learning, Resources and Finance, and in addition to regular meetings, visits and consultations, governors also use their skills to help the school in other areas. For example, governors have played a role in much of the recent development of the school brochure and website.

Please direct any correspondence that you have for school governors to the school office.

joining our governing body

We currently have two vacancies on our Governing Body, if you are interested in joining the board, please look at the advert and information documents published below. You can also contact the Chair of Governors, Dr Victoria Bowyer, via to express your interest.

  • Trajche Boshkov

    Associate Governor

  • Victoria Bowyer

    Chair of Governors

    Linked Governor - The Arts; English; Health & Safety, Member of Teaching & Learning Committee; Resources Committee; Finance Committee

  • Paul Charleston

    Parent Governor

    Linked Governor - ICT; PSHE, RE, Health & Wellbeing; Member of Resources Committee; Finance Committee (Chair)

  • Hannah Franklin-Wallis

    Co-opted Governor

    Linked Governor - History & Geography; Early Years; Extended Provision; Parents & the Community; Member of Teaching & Learning Committee; Resources Committee (Vice-Chair)

  • Anna Greetham


    Member of Teaching & Learning Committee; Resources Committee; Finance Committee

  • Maria Hall

    Parent Governor

    Linked Governor - Maths; Early Years; Safeguarding/CLA/Anti-Bullying/PREVENT; SEND/Pupil Premium/Inclusion/Equalities; Member of Teaching & Learning Committee; Resources Committee (Chair)

  • Lucy Leighton

    Co-opted Governor

  • Marc Neesam

    Co-opted Governor

    Linked Governor - Science; Curriculum; Monitoring & Evaluation; Member of Teaching & Learning Committee (Chair)

  • Lucy Seymour

    Staff Governor

    Member of Teaching & Learning Committee

  • Cate Thompson

    Associate Governor

  • Roz Torres

    Deputy Headteacher

    Member of Teaching & Learning Committee; Resources Committee, Finance Committee

  • Andrew Webster

    Co-opted Governor

  • Liz King
