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Friends of Tannery Drift

Who we are

Friends of Tannery Drift School (FTDS) isn’t just a group of people who attend meetings, it’s every parent, carer and member of staff who helps to fund-raise for the school – whether you are part of our committee and organise events, donate cakes or uniform for a sale, or help out at an event.

Our objectives

To raise money to fund projects, equipment or facilities that will enhance school life for Tannery Drift children and that would not otherwise be funded i.e. by the Local Education Authority.

To organise fundraising or cost neutral events that are fun for the children/parents of Tannery Drift School

What we do

FTDS run a variety of fundraising events throughout the year, including cake and uniform sales, craft events, discos, school fairs, sponsored events, camping – and more!

We also support the school by providing refreshments at school events and through a termly wildlife area and outdoor space tidy up.

To keep informed about what FTDS have been doing and our upcoming calendar, check out our FTDS section in the weekly School Noticeboard email.

Visit our website

To see upcoming events, buy tickets for events and more, please visit our website Friends of Tannery Drift School.

What we've funded

Some of the events and equipment that FTDS have funded for the whole school community include a new interactive smart white board for the hall, new books and a mural for the school library, and a whole school pantomime performed by Imajica Theatre Company. We also allocate funds for each class in the school to use to enrich the students’ school experience. These have previously included visits by Labtots, Wild Science & author – Gareth P Jones.

Get involved

If you are interested in getting involved without any regular commitments, we would love to add you to our FTDS helpers’ list. Emails are sent to this list before each event, outlining the support we need and asking for volunteers. We might need help with anything from selling tickets to running a stall for an hour – or even just packing away after an event.

To be added to the list, please email us at If you are able to offer more of your time, we hold regular meetings throughout the year, and are always delighted to welcome new members.

The Friends of Tannery Drift is a registered charity in England and Wales, registration number 291369.


FTDS are in the process of getting a new banner for school via BannerBuzz which will become our new place to update Tannery parents on all the fantastic events we're planning, who the committee members are and how much money we've raised to date!

The banners are free so we're excited to share this with you all.