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Our School

About Our School

Three girls in the Reception class are wearing aprons while they engage in messy play, using water and kitchen utensils

Welcome to Tannery Drift First School, I hope that our website gives you a flavour of who we are and what we do. If you would like to see more, visits to the school are most welcome and can be arranged by contacting the school office.

Our school actively promotes the Tannery Drift ethos of enjoymentachievement and respect in all that it does. We believe in the development of the whole child.

We aim to make sure that every child in our care enjoys their time at school and provide a safe and secure environment.

At Tannery Drift we adapt activities to allow all children to show their strengths and encourage every child to feel capable, be independent and love learning.

We carefully assess the starting points and strengths of each child when they join us. We then ensure that they achieve well by regularly reviewing targets that provide just the right amount of challenge.

The staff prides itself on developing strong partnerships between the school and families, to support every child in making maximum progress.

We hope that this website will give you a picture of a successful, friendly, community-minded school, and of the wide range of curricular and other activities available to the children.

Mrs Anna Greetham, Headteacher

If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website please contact the school office.