Stretchy Hands
As part of PSHE, Year 1 have been creating “Stretchy Hands” inspired by flowers. These reflect how sometimes we have to stretch ourselves in our learning to reach our goals. Don’t they look great!
As part of PSHE, Year 1 have been creating “Stretchy Hands” inspired by flowers. These reflect how sometimes we have to stretch ourselves in our learning to reach our goals. Don’t they look great!
Pelican class have made beautiful Chinese lanterns and even written their names on them using Mandarin characters.
Elsewhere in school, Reception classes learned a small part of the Chinese New Year dragon dance. They had so much fun dancing and wearing the dragon costume.
On Monday we held our first meeting of 2025 and discussed past and future events and the best ways to spend our funds. Last term we raised over £5K which was an incredible achievement!
This term we are hoping to hold a Cake Sale and a Spring Disco. More information and a request for helpers will be announced in the coming weeks.
If you have an idea on how we should spend our funding, or are interested in running an event for FTDS, please do contact us on Without volunteers we cannot continue to run events to enrich the lives of all our children.
On Monday, our Ladybirds Class got the opportunity to visit Royston Fire Station as part of their topic on people who help us. Thank you to all the helpers that came with us, we couldn’t do it without you.
Some of the children from Little Tigers enjoyed a baking session with Mrs Simons. They made delicious cakes that they were able to take home. They had to work together to create the mixture, they also had to work safely whilst in the enrichment room.
This term we’re delighted to say that Mrs Tasev has taken on the role of School Librarian alongside her role as a Year 4 Teaching Assistant. We think you will agree from the photos that the library is looking fantastic, and it’s been great to see the children getting so much enjoyment from it already this term. Thank you to the FTDS for donating the embossed bookmarks for each child.
This week Ladybirds were very lucky to have a visit from a parent who volunteers within the Army Cadet Force. This supported their learning around people who help us and some of the important jobs within the armed forces. They listened well and got to explore some of the equipment.
As part of their learning this term, the Reception classes are taking part in Drawing Club. This is an approach to learning which stretches the children’s imaginations and develops their skills in mark making, vocabulary and mathematics. The children have a focus story each week, which last week was The Three Little Pigs. As part of this the children drew the pig’s houses and learnt the vocabulary to describe them. Well done Reception!
Wishing all of our families a lovely Christmas break. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 7th January.
The children were so excited to have a visit from Father Christmas today and even got an early Christmas present each!
The children have been busy making wonderful Christmas decorations which are now displayed in the school hall.
This week we were happy to have Stagecoach Theatre Group in school, running workshops with Years 1-4. The children had a wonderful time in their sessions and learnt some great dance routines!